Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Drama Rama

i haven't read a lot of the entries on here, in fear that i may get nostalgic and begin on this horrible trip down memory lane. But I scanned through the last few entries, realizing that not only am I a total drama queen, but that I have been in the same predicament with the same boy for about seven years.

Michael has been a strange phase in my life. One that now I question myself daily about, why did i stay for so long?

 yes, i got experience
 yes, i felt somewhat loved
yes, i had the best intentions in mind

but once i look at the BIG picture i missed out on more than i gained.

the person who I'm mad at for wasting time is not him,

 it's me.

its strange that i still have this blog. i havent written in a while, and i think that due to the long hiatus between posting here, its safe to say i can be open.

who reads this anyway?