First off, i was 2 mins late to my internship which i guess at a regular job its no big deal. At my internship the doors are locked at exactly the time the meetings start, i got in trouble and the only thing i could say to one of the directors (who lectures daily about personal accountability) was 'It was my fault because I'm lazy i got out of bed late' after some pleading i was let into the meeting. It was worth it, i got to hear a lot of interesting stories, and i got some new tips written down.
This weekend i realized i had an extra $30 dollars in my bank account for some weird reason i still havent figured out.i found out i my internship director is pleased with my work, and i got compliments from the participants in my classes. i finished all my weekend reading early. i realized that some people, well really one particular boy, is really fucked up and not worth worrying over anymore, drank some grade A beer, listened to music reaaaaally loudly, had long talks with ari, ghost hunted a little,bought my grandma a big bouquet of flowers, went to church, bought a bad ass tshirt for a little kid, got to work a really good show at The Percolator...
BUT MOST EXCITING THING OF ALL I got surprised with monster truck tickets!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, let me just say, I have never in my life been to a Monster Truck show, I've always thought about going, even begged a few people to go with me... but no dice. And let me just say- this show was worth the wait. I didnt realize how fun it would be to just act a fool, and scream and throw your arms up over vehicles driving recklessly. IT WAS AMAZING. And i fell in love with this bad boy "monster mutt" mainly because i thought if my dog Jasper was a monster truck he would be a fucking bad ass like this monster truck.

I mean, i guess i can see how this show might not seeeeem appealing to the average person- but, oh my God, it was. the sound of the trucks racing around and crunching cars, and the big dust clouds when they did crazy spins, holy shit i felt like a little white kid. i even got to take home a huge MONSTER MUTT flag. other than that, i got to see two women truck drivers bask in the glory of being fucking amazing at their jobs, and i got to see some dude get escorted out violently by security guards.
Apparently some men in El Paso get so excited when trucks flip over that they throw their beers into the crowd below and smack little kids with their cups.
very very good weekend.