I found the worst (aka most awesome) one ever...
It was titled "The Greatest Craigslist Ad Ever - Male age 22 (West El Paso)"
Found here- http://elpaso.en.craigslist.org/m4w/1083304764.html
"Wow, are you lucky. You clicked on that link, and even though you might not know it yet, your life has changed forever. Ain't no turning back now baby. Hi! My name is Nack, and I am the most desirable male in the world. I know that finding the right guy for you can be tricky, so let me break this down for you.
I AM SEXY. That's right ladies, you thought Brad Pitt was a dream boat. It's ok, he's pretty good looking I suppose. But if we were in a looking good contest he would probably vaporize into a fine powder which I would then sprinkle across his lawn or maybe in the ocean. (See pic below, and view at own risk: I'm not responsible for any injuries that may result from you staring into my pixelized eyes.)
I AM FUNNY. Check out this joke I invented and try not to laugh, but not too hard, because it's so funny you might implode. So this kid goes off to roller coaster camp. He comes home and his dad asks him "How was roller coaster camp son?" and the kid tells him "Meh, it had it's ups and downs." Take some time right here to catch your breath and let your gut muscles relax. Ready to continue? Good.
I AM A MUSICIAN. In the greatest metal band in the world. We're called Nausicaa and we are so brutal that we descend into the depths of Hell every weekend to slay Diablo, and then we resurrect his lazy ass so he can have a week of training for when we come back. I play the skins, (that's the drums for all you math majors) and my speed is on par with that of the Flash, except that he's infinity times not as awesome as me. Oh yeah that reminds me.
I AM AWESOME. I guess I should make my case for this, or maybe I could just LET MY LEGEND OF ZELDA TATTOO DO THE TALKING.
So there you have it. By now I'm sure you've called up all your BFFF's to inform them of my ad. You are DYING to get to know me. How you ask? It's simple. You get the sexiest, funniest, most awesome man on the planet and all you gotta do is send an email to the link above. For one of you lucky ladies, it just might be the last such email you ever send. It will be a pleasure to hear from you. :) "

Then it was followed by this imagine.
For real- el paso has the best men.